Q. When do Small Munsterlanders come of age? A. The earliest a male can be evaluated structurally for breeding qualification (or bred) is age 18 months. Largely their structure will be determined by that age. They are not, however, mature. Mental/social/physical maturity doesn’t happen until age 24 months, but even then their coat and furnishings will not be as good as when they are age 2.5-3.5 years, depending upon what time of year they were born (which determines how many coat changes they will have gone through). As far as hunting ability is concerned, many Spring-born pups will be quite proficient by age 6 months and Fall-born pups by age 9 months. Dogs learn to hunt by trial & error and emulation, so they must be given the opportunity to practice their skills or they’ll never become good hunters. The best hunters have had the most practice. Most of a dog’s hunting skill is environmentally determined as opposed to genetically determined.