Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
Breeding-Quality Puppies continued ...
Buyers of breeding-quality puppies must contractually agree to meet the requirements below and pay an additional $200 fee:
  1. Make a reasonable effort for the Puppy to take the NAVHDA Natural Ability Test or VHDF Hunting Aptitude Evaluation before age 12 months and to properly prepare the Puppy for the Test or Evaluation;
  2. The Puppy must receive a prize-equivalent score in a NAVHDA test or achieve a minimum score of 4 in all sections of a VHDF evaluation prior to reaching age 24 months;
  3. The Puppy must be of normal temperament as judged by NAVHDA or VHDF;
  4. The Puppy must be evaluated as "not gun shy" or "not gun sensitive" by NAVHDA or VHDF;
  5. The Puppy must either (a) through Preliminary Evaluation by OFA after attaining age seven (7) months have a Good or Excellent hip rating with no evidence of canine hip dysplasia, or (b) through Certification by OFA after attaining age twenty-four (24) months have a Fair, Good or Excellent hip rating with no evidence of canine hip dysplasia; or (c) a distraction index (DI) that meets or exceeds the median DI for Small Munsterlanders as set forth in a PennHip Evaluation after attaining the age of four (4) months;
  6. The Puppy's conformation and structure must comply with the FCI Standard for the Small Munsterlander breed. Compliance shall be determined by receiving no less than a V-1 (superior) rating by three (3) or more judges at IABCA international conformation shows after attaining the age of eighteen (18) months;
  7. The Puppy must undergo a physical evaluation by a veterinarian that determines the Puppy to be in good physical health; up-to-date on vaccinations; and free of parasites and communicable diseases within thirty (30) days of breeding; and
  8. If male, the Puppy must have achieved age eighteen (18) months prior to breeding. If female, the Puppy must have achieved age twenty-four (24) months and has had at least one (1) heat cycle prior to breeding.