Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
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VC IntCH Brush Dale's Triple Threat (Tito) was born at Brush Dale on 04/27/17 as part of the T Litter, a NAVHDA Natural Ability Award litter. Tito's sire is IntCH Brush Dale's Doggone Right (Scout) and his dam is IntCH Brush Dale's Escape Artist (Bella). Tito is owned by Hunter Kamm of Plymouth, Minnesota.
TitoTito has a beautiful, sleek, dense, soft, brown & white coat with extensive furnishings. His coat is correct for a Small Munsterlander, being fairly short and tight on the body with feathering on the tail, ears, forelegs and hind legs. He has almond-shaped, medium brown eyes and a high earset. Tito has never had pad nor feet issues, even when hunted extensively. He can hunt for many hours over several consecutive days without tiring, a testament to his excellent Breed conformation, stamina and conditioning. The only "health" issues Tito has ever had were the result of his two porcupine "incidents."
Hunter is an avid outdoorsman who hunts Tito as much as possible, usually three or more days per week during the peak of the season. Tito hunted during his first season in 2017 at age 4 months old. He showed strong a pointing instinct at a young age, making it possible to harvest many types of wild birds over him before he was 6 months old. During 2018 and 2019, Tito hunted more than 100 days each season from September-February and in April for Spring Woodcock banding. During the 2019 season, 257 wild birds were harvested over Tito, all of which were retrieved to hand!
TitoTito is truly a versatile dog who hunts grouse, woodcock, pheasant, quail, Sharptails, doves, pigeons, squirrels, rabbits, Sandhill Cranes, Canadian Geese, Snow Geese and ducks. He has a correct point for a Small Munsterlander and has scent laut on fur. Tito has been hunting in 8 States and is a certified Woodcock Banding dog for the Minnesota DNR. Hunter and Tito hold a special certification and permit to locate, point and tag young broods of woodcock in the Spring.
Tito runs with style and elegance. He hunts systematically and methodically, whether in the field or woods, and paces himself. His range is dependent upon the terrain and quarry being hunted. When hunting Sharptail and praire birds out West, he will quarter at 40-80 yards, covering a lot of ground. In the grouse and woodcock woods he rarely ranges past 40 yards. His hunting style and range has developed naturally through a lot of wild bird exposure and countless days afield. Tito and Hunter have learned to hunt as a team, identifying objectives and covering ground to harvest fur and feather together.
TitoTito is the second Small Munsterlander Hunter has trained and tested in the NAVHDA system. Tito earned a Prize I with a maximum score of 112 in his NAVHDA Natural Ability Test at age 12 months. In his NAVHDA Utility Preparatory Test at age 2 he earned a Prize III with a score of 165. He earned a Prize I in his NAVHDA Utility Test in August 2020 and ran in the Invitational in 2021! He ran UT again in 2022 earning a Prize I and became a NAVHDA Versatile Champion in 2023. He is easy going, easy to train and eager to please with an even disposition, sound temperament and a highly cooperative nature. These attributes are what undoubtedly made him so easy to mold into an outstanding hunting companion.
Tito has an excellent nose, which is uses to track persistently and methodically to find wounded birds. During the tracking portion of NAVHDA Natural Abilities Test, one of the judges said Tito completed one of the finest tracks he had ever seen for a young dog. Now that dogs may be used to track and recover wounded deer in Minnesota, Hunter and Tito will be helping their deer hunting friends find their missing deer beginning in the Fall of 2020.
TitoHe is a natural retriever who retrieved to hand as a puppy with only mild encouragement. Hunter recalls a trout fishing trip with Tito as a puppy when he found and carried a deer leg over a mile back to the truck. Tito loves retrieving the newspaper from the driveway every day. On countless late season goose trips, Tito has proven his retrieving ability, even compared to 80+ pound Labs. (As a big Lab, it's hard to get the retrieve when you're not fast enough to be the first one to the bird!) A retrieve Hunter vividly remembers was on a wounded goose that went down at least 400 yards away in a sugar beet field in Montana. Without hesitation, the "little guy" in the group of dogs that day marked, tracked and retrieved the goose. Another memorable retrieve was a goose that went down amongst cattle feeding in a feed lot. None of the other dogs would go near the cattle to retrieve it, but Tito bolted under the cows' legs, grabbed the goose and hustled out of there to retrieve it to hand. Some might call that retrieve an act of stupidity, but Hunter calls it being bold and having a relentless desire to retrieve downed game.
TitoTito loves the water and willingly retrieves from it, regardless of weather conditions. Warm or cold, it doesn't stop him. The one thing he will not do unless absolutely necessary is jump from a dock or boat. He hesistates, looks for a better way to enter and takes the safest route. Like his grandmother, KD, and father, Scout, he is not a hard charger into the water, but is calculating and deliberate. This is a "thinking" dog. Tito has done numerous 25-minute duck searches, proving his persistence, endurance and strength as a swimmer.
Tito is calm, patient and relaxed in the home or a vehicle. He is not much of a watch dog, because he rarely barks, even when people ring the door bell. Tito hikes and camps with Hunter frequently and has been on 4 BWCA/Quetico canoe trips. Their longest trip lasted 10 days and they traveled over 150 miles. Tito's compact size allows him to fit perfectly in a canoe or the kayak they frequently hunt from. Tito will also Skijorn with Hunter on cross-country skiis on the lake or run alongside his fatbike on winter trails.
TitoWhen Hunter got Tito as a 10-week-old puppy, he made the mistake of comparing him to his first Small Munsterlander. He thought something was wrong with Tito. One day, while driving in the car with Tito, Hunter called his parents to discuss his concern that Tito was too mellow to be the hard-running hunting dog he wanted. Tito didn't slobber all over the windows or whine with excitement. Rather, he just sat in the front passenger seat and rode calmly and quietly, like a human, the entire ride to the lake. Hunter never thought a dog with such a laid back personality in the home could switch into a driven hunter in the field.