Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
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Pheasant and quail are popular entrees at Brush Dale, as are wild turkey and deer. Besides tasty wild game recipes, you'll find scrumptious ways to serve garden vegetables and delicious desserts. Lodge Recipes
Brush Dale Kennel
YY Litter
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IntCH Brush Dale's Make My Day (Beaker) was whelped at Brush Dale on 04/04/21 as part of the MM Litter. Beaker's sire is IntCH Vulkan Eben-Ezer (Bandit) and his dam is IntCH Brush Dale's Escape Artist (Bella). Beaker is owned by Chris and Sarah Worley of Verona, WI.
Beaker has a beautiful coat with extensive feathering on the ears and tail. He is a lean 50 pounds and is well-muscled. He received the highest ratings (V1-superior) from 2 international and 1 national IABCA judge and is a International Champion in conformation.
He was a natural hunter and swimmer as a puppy, earning a Prize I in the NAVHDA Natural Ability Test. Beaker is highly cooperative and always eager to learn new commands, so has been quite easy to train. He earned a Prize II the NAVHDA Utility Test at age 2 years 4 months! Prizing in Utility at such a young age, especially with a first-time handler, is quite an accomplishment! At his Utility Test, Beaker was the top scorer that day. Chris will tell you he missed a Prize I mostly due to a handler training error. During the duck search, Beaker found and caught the duck and retrieved it to hand in about 5 minutes, which meant he must be sent out to search again for another 5 minutes. Unfortunately, Chris says he failed to explain to Beaker what a resend was. So Beaker gave Chris a what the hell, I already did what you asked look and then proceeded to swim out 10 yards and come back to shore.
Beaker has a tremendous drive and persistence. Thirty-minute duck searches are not unusual for Beaker! His tracking and locating of downed birds is exceptional. He and his owner have not lost a single bird thus far. Beaker has hunted duck, pheasant, woodcock, ruffed grouse, sharptails, pigeons, chukar, Bobwhite quail and rabbits. He will laut on deer and rabbits. He's tangled with opossums, muskrat and a skunk (lost that battle).
Beaker is pretty tough when it comes to the cold. He has winter-camped in the Boundary Waters (near Canadian border) multiple times in February where he enjoys stealing Lake Trout from Chris and his brother.
Like many Small Munsterlanders, Beaker is a spoiled house dog. He receives, at a minimum, an hour of off-leash time every day. This may be spent training or playing. He follows Chris throughout the house, always keeping watch for any tell-tale signs they might be going outside. His expressive eyes seem to communicate to Chris that he's been sitting around being lazy when they should be doing something outside. It's extremely hard to say "no" to Beaker and not spend all day, every day, hunting or roaming the woods and fields.
Despite loving his daily runs, Beaker has a good off-switch in the house. (He spends his day lying around, watching Chris). When trimming Beaker's nails, Chris usually puts Beaker on his back on his lap. Beaker almost immediately falls asleep while nail trimming, so Chris must readjust constantly as Beaker's head starts to slowly fall off to one side followed by his body. It's pretty comical to watch.
It's not all peaches and cream. Beaker has an affinity for baseball caps. If Chris leaves a cap lying on the sofa or floor, Beaker will grab and shake it to death. The end result is a shredded hat that is no longer functional for human use.