Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
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Conformation Photos
NAVHDA Pedigree
Czech Pedigree
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OFA Report
Conformation Evals/Ratings
Ozzie Photos
IntCH Dag Zimni Vrch (Ozzie) was born on February 1, 2016 in the Czech Republic. Ozzie's sire is Dor Ulja-Morava from Serbia (photo/pedigree) and his dam is the beautiful Aida Zimni vrch from the Czech Republic. Ozzie is a half-brother to Eve Zimni vrch (same sire) and sister to Kimber and Jaxon.
Ozzie is an International Champion in Conformation. He is owned by Randy and Ann Schulz of Evansville, Indiana, where he lives inside the home with the Schulz family, an older German Shorthaired Pointer and a Brittany. Ozzie acclimated extremely well to sharing a home with his owners' other dogs.
OzzieOzzie is an attentive, smart, well mannered dog in the home who shifts into a much higher gear when hunting birds in the field. Amazingly, he immediately settles back into being a calm, sweet, affectionate boy upon returning home. What they say about Munsters is true, Ozzie has an "off-switch."
Ozzie's owners say Ozzie has been the easiest dog to house train of the 6 dogs they have owned. He loves people and crawls into their laps to fall asleep at night. He prowls around the home like a lion with soft feet and his "Caleb Swannigan" eyes.
OzzieOzzie is an exceptional example of a male Small Munsterlander. He was a star at his first International Conformation Show earning six 1st place medals and was awarded 1st place in the Sporting Breed category besting 31 other dogs of a variety of sporting breeds in June 2017 in St Louis at the Purina Dog Exposition Center. Ozzie made it to the final Best of Show event and won 1st place in the Rare Breed category. One international judge responded to the question, "What is one of Ozzie's structural weaknesses?" with "I do not see a weakness in Ozzie. He is one of the finest examples of a Small Munsterlander I have ever seen."
OzzieOzzie is an eager hunter well-trained for the Iowa and South Dakota hunting he has experienced. Even as a puppy, he instinctively pointed, honored, retrieved to hand and hunted dead in difficult terrain. He has been trained to hunt close, so as not to spook the wild birds running ahead of the hunters. Ozzie earned a 107 Prize 2 in the NAVHDA Natural Ability Test. His owner, being a novice handler, trained Ozzie to hunt more closely than the judges wanted, but Ozzie otherwise performed at or above expectations.