Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
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Pheasant and quail are popular entrees at Brush Dale, as are wild duck and deer. Besides tasty wild game recipes, you'll find scrumptious ways to serve garden vegetables and delicious desserts. Lodge Recipes
Ponds at Brush Dale Hunting Preserve and Kennel
No matter where you are at Brush Dale, you are not far from water. Besides Brush Creek, which runs the entire length of the Farm from north to south, and the Wetlands Project, which includes eight small, terraced ponds, Brush Dale has ten (10) ponds. The ponds range in size from 1/4 to 4 acres. Some were naturally formed, but most were carefully planned and built.
At Brush Dale's entrance is Gazebo Pond, which boasts a beautiful, cedar gazebo, complete with ceiling fans and a sand beach. At the west end is a gorgeous Weeping Willow tree. In the warm, summer months, we swim and fish in the Pond. The kids, especially, have a great time on the floating trampoline and floating dock with diving board. The Pond was originally stocked with Striped Bass and Channel Catfish, a great, fighting sportfish. It is aerated year-round, continuously filled by its own well, and in the summer months the Catfish are fed to help them achieve maximum size. It is not unusual to catch a 20lb "Walter" in Gazebo Pond.
To the north of the Hawkeye Lodge is Loch Ness Pond, so named when an unsuspecting fisherman hooked a 40lb grass carp! Manmade Loch Ness is also stocked, well-water-fed, and aerated. Besides fishing, the Pond is used for training and testing the Retrieve at Blind sequence of NAVHDA's Utility Test.
The Field Pond is one of the oldest ponds on the Farm, so named because it used to sit in the middle of a grazing field. It is surrounded by beautiful evergreens that pheasant like to roost in at night. The Field Pond is also aerated, stocked, and well-water-fed. On one fishing expedition, Dell and his friend caught so many large Channel Catfish they couldn't carry them. Dell ended up getting the tractor and they loaded their 100+ pound catch into the bucket and drove them back to the Lodge! They were still cleaning those fish after dark. The Field Pond can be seen from Highway 62 when driving to the Farm from Andrew. In May of 2022 the Field Pond was rehabilitated by digging out the silt and creating a smaller dike on the higher, west end. Over the years, the Pond had become too shallow to support large fish. The additional dike is designed to help prevent silt from ruining the Pond in the future. One week, during July of 2022, the Field Pond was visited by a family of River Otter. The otter caught and devoured every single fish larger than a guppy and moved on. The Field Pond was promptly restocked with a variety of fish.
Between Gazebo Pond and the Field Pond is Bullfrog Pond. For decades it was a small, shallow, muddy pond hidden among trees and bushes. Most visitors to the Farm didn't even know the Pond was there. Decades ago, the Pond was stocked with Bullfrogs. They proliferated, and now, during hot summer nights, their croaking is often so loud it keeps you awake. In August of 2022, the Bullfrog Pond was completely rehabilitated to be returned to its original state. The trees and bushes were cleared from its banks and its dike repaired and enlarged. It is now a fully visible, larger, deeper pond with wide grassy banks.
Near the Northwestern Grassland's northern fenceline is one of the Farm's original ponds, Judy's Pond. Twice each year, Judy's Pond is periodically completely blanketed with migrating ducks. The Pond is densely shaded by trees and shrubs that surround the Pond on all sides.
Not far from Judy's Pond, near the intersection of the Northwestern Grassland's northern and western fencelines, is the Northwest Pond. This is also one of the Farm's oldest ponds and a popular resting stop for migrating ducks and woodcock. The Pond is a popular training and testing venue for the Hunting Retriever Club.
A newer, larger, man-made pond is the Wood Duck Pond. It is a favorite Spring breeding and nesting ground for mallard and wood ducks, herons, and Canadian Geese. The 1.5-acre Pond is continuously filled by a natural spring. Because the Pond was built in a timber-covered hillside ravine, it is heavily surrounded by trees on three sides. Thick stands of Willows grow along the banks and into the water, creating a great deal of cover for waterfowl. The Wood Duck Pond's dike was cleared and repaired in April of 2022.
Minnow Pond is a small, shallow pond in the Farm's Northeastern Field that can be seen from Highway 62. It is an old pond that is used as a source of minnows and crayfish for fishing in the other ponds. A notable attribute is the apple trees that line its banks.
In August of 2022, approximately 20 acres in the Southwestern Grassland's near Highway 62 was cleared and dug out to create a large dike and the 2-acre, 24-foot-deep Island Pond. The dike extends along the south and west sides of the Pond, which can be seen from Highway 62. The Pond is continuously aerated year-round, was stocked with fish, and is well-water-fed. It features two large man-made islands and is a favorite training and testing venue for both NAVHDA and HRC.
The Farm's newest pond, Dell's Pond, came into being during the Fall of 2023. The 4-acre pond was created by blocking a small stream that flows north-south to the east of the Wood Duck Pond, which flooded the creek bottom and adjacent timber. It is surrounded by trees and is extremely scenic and calm. It looks more like a small lake than a pond. The Pond is kept full of sparkling, clear water via the stream and a well that is shared with the Island Pond. It is continuously aerated year-round and has been stocked with fish. In the Spring of 2024, five pair of geese and two pair of ducks raised their "babies" on the Pond. We use Dell's Pond for kayaking, and training/testing for the NAVHDA & VHDF Duck Search and HRC Triple Mark.
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